Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Nadezhda Ilina

Online Shop Goods4you

A React-based online store integrated with the DummyJSON API, offering quick access to products and easy navigation

Project Image

Project Overview

The project has been developed within the framework of the objectives set out in the T1 Holding Open Schools.

The project has been successfully set up and deployed, ensuring stability and high performance. An adaptive interface has been created with accessibility in mind and pixel-perfect accuracy for a 1440px resolution. An authentication system using API tokens has been implemented, with tokens stored in localStorage for user convenience. Data retrieval for products and the shopping cart is managed through the DummyJSON API, with query optimization and pagination support. Special attention has been given to managing the shopping cart state, as well as handling loading and error states. Atoms and molecules have been developed and documented in Storybook. Testing has been conducted to ensure the application's quality and stability.

Tools Used

React Router
Redux Toolkit
RTK Query
React Testing Library